Laser printer for printing medical images CARESTREAM DRYVIEW 6950 Laser Imaging System
Laser printer for printing medical images CARESTREAM DRYVIEW 6950 Laser Imaging System
Country of origin:USA

Laser printer for printing medical images CARESTREAM DRYVIEW 6950 Laser Imaging System

Image quality

- DRYVIEW true laser technology optimizes image quality

- 650 ppi resolution for all film sizes and types

- Dmax = 3.3 (DVB film); Dmax = 3.6 (DVM film); Dmax = 4.0 (DVM+ film)

- Automatic Image Quality Control (AIQC) maintains image consistency

High performance

- High productivity up to 250 films per hour (20x25 cm - 8x10 inches); 160 films per hour (35x43 cm - 14x17 inches)

- Time to first print (TTFP) 60 seconds (35x43 cm - 14x17 inches)

- Each image is 650 pixels per inch

- 3 film supplies supporting 5 different film sizes

- DICOM connection to almost all modalities, including mammography

- Lifetime (100 years) film archiving capability

Medical Equipment Supplier

The OneTeam Medical team has extensive experience in the supply of medical equipment to the Republic of Uzbekistan.